I've got myself into a Pxxxing conversation on another forum so I'm asking my Procar friends to relate to me how they handle the subject on THEIR Procars...
Oil Changes...
A local Radio show host has a Saturday call-in show. Life long Mech/shop owner with a great local reputation. HE says the three thousand mile interval pushed by the Dealer, Lube joints is hooey...5000 is fine.
I'm retired/disabled/retarded
etc...and I too come from a Mech background. 27000 miles in 5+ years. I change 3 times a year irregardless of milleage...Spring before the Heat hits, Fall after the furnace turns off and and maybe during the winter if we have a lot of rain to keep the joints lubed. Trans service every other fall along with a fuel filter change. 2003 GMC 1/2 ton 2 wheel drive.
What do you guys do?
Oil Changes...

I'm retired/disabled/retarded
What do you guys do?