NJ Squad Vehicle History

Fred Goerlitz

Northeast Chapter / PCS Life Member
Yesterday, Rich Litton and I visited some of the first aid squads in Union and Essex counties in NJ. Rich is on the NJ State First Aid Council History Committee and is a regular contributor to the Council's magazine, The Gold Cross. We visited six squads and took pictures of the current ambulances as well as documented their vehicle history. For those of you who don't know Rich, he is probably the most knowledgeable person when it comes to the volunteer squads' vehicles both new and old. He has pictures of almost all of the current vehicles for about 80% of the 460 volunteer squads in the state as well as tons of older photos.

I will detail some of the older (mostly pro-car) info we obtained yesterday:

Millburn-Short Hills (Essex County)-started in 1958 with a NEW '58 S&S Professional. They added a second rig (used '56 S&S from somewhere in PA) in 1960. New S&S ambulances were purchased in 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968 and 1970. These were all Blue and White with the exception of the first 2 Cadillacs. In 1972, a Superior 54 was purchased. Subsequent Superior purchases were in 1973 and 1974. The 1974 was the last Professional Car purchased by Millburn Short Hills and was sold to the Long Valley First Aid Squad in Morris County in late 1976 or early 1977. In 1976 Millburn-Short Hills moved into the "modern" era with the purhcase of 2 GMC Transmode/Wolf Coach 2 stretcher motor-home chassisied ambulances. Millburn-Short Hills has tons of pictures and was very receptive to our visit. Rich is hoping they will scan some pictures for us!

Roselle Park First Aid (Union County)-founded 1940 with a used 1933 Studebaker (builder unknown) purchased from a local hospital. It was replaced in 1950 with a Superior Cadillac. The Superior was replaced with a 1960 Miller-Meteor which was in service until replaced with a 1967 C-B Oldsmobile 42 inch headroom ambulance. In 1970, Roselle Park purchased thier last professional car which was a 1970 C-B Oldsmobile 48 inch headroom ambulance.

We hit the jackpot at our next stop which was Springfield First Aid Squad in Springfield, NJ. Springfield was started in 1949 with a used ambulance (unknown year or builder). All of Springfield's former ambulances are displayed in framed photographs on the wall. (We asked for them to scan these as well). The original unit was replaced with another used one, a 1947-1949 S&S Cadillac which was in service until it was replaced in 1956 with a new S&S Hi-top. In 1959, Springfield bought a new 1959 Eureka Hi-Boy Ambulance. It was joined in 1960 by a Miller-Meteor Guardian! New Miller-Meteors followed in 1964, 1965, 1968 and 1971. All vehicles after that were truck based ambulances.

Our Next Stop was Mountainside Rescue Squad which was founded in 1938. Having just renovated their meeting room, none of the pictures were hanging on the wall but we did see 3 professional car photos. They are an early 30's (again builder unknown) ambulance, a circa 1939 Henney Packard and a 1972 Blue and White Superior purchased in 1974 (our thought was that it came from nearby Millburn-Short Hills). While there were no pictures between the Packard and the Cadillac Rich anticipates another trip there during the winter to better assess their vehicle history.

Our final 2 stops were at Westfield and Kenilworth but there were no accessible older vehicle pictures at either location.

Sorry for rambling on but it was a fun day and I hope to join Rich again for more research!

I am one of the founding members of the West Orange First Aid Squad which was started in 1962. Here is a picture of my jacket that was issued to me in the summer of 1962. It still has the Red Cross Instructor pin on the collar.
Prior to that, I was on the Essex County Rescue Squad, which disbanded in 1961 or so. I still have a shoulder patch from ECRS, but will have to look for it. I wonder if Rich has any pictures of that squads Packard ambulances. The last ones were 1953 & 1954 Henney's. ECRS had a storefront in Newark on Broadway, and also ran one rig out of the Bloomfield Police Station on Bloomfield Avenue. We were stationed in the cellar and the garage was on the side of the building. When I was last down there, I drove to the building to see if the garage was still there, however, the whole building looked totally different, since it had been remodeled.


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I had the pleasure of speaking with Rich Litton about some history regarding my 63 Superior Hightop. Thanks Steve for helping me contact him. He told me that he and the previous owner of my ambulance believes it may have served in Milltown New Jersey, but no pictures are known to exist. Rich told me that Milltown bought these Superior Cadillacs 2 at a time, and they were white and green like mine. Milltown has pictures of two bought in 1965. I believe my car also saw service in New York State at S&S Ambulance Service. Their current Chief believes they bought my car used in 1970, as their first ambulance. He is doing more research. Rich is very knowledgeable about Rescue Squads in New Jersey.
I’m excited to announce that after 37 years of ownership, I have confirmed the original owner of my 1972 Superior Cadillac 54” Rescuer. Previously all that was known was it “came out of New Jersey.”

It was Millburn-Short Hills VFAS in Essex County, NJ.

I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Fred Goerlitz and Rich Litton for the solid lead that brought me to today’s confirmation!Millburn_Short_Hills_VRS_New_Ambulance_06_22_1972.jpegIMG_0465.jpegIMG_0431.jpeg