Nfda chicago convention

Bill Carlin

PCS Life Member
I am wondering who from this group will be attending the NFDA convention in Chicago the third week of October. Maybe we could plan on getting together for dinner or something.

What do you need for credentials to get into the show, or is it open to the public?
You are suspose to be a funeral director, spouse, mortuary strudent, or a guest. TIckets are a couple hunderd dollars. They do have security guards that escort people without the proper credentials out.

I am a member of the NFDA and also ICCFA: If I vouch for you and say you are my gurest, you can get a ticket to enter the trade show floor.
contact us privately...........

Nedra and I arrive Monday PM at NFDA us privately if you would like to meet for dinner on Monday or Tuesday...........Wednesday will be the banquet, and we are committed to that..............let me know!