ok, this shoud be fun. tell us about your most embarrasing situation eitheir on a ambulance call or on a funeral. i'll start. we had a funeral for a very prominent buisness man and was a feather in our cap if you will to hold services for such a prominent citizen here in houston. my father was beside himself to make sure everything went correctly for this funeral he even hired a motorcycle escort for the flower car as he didnt want the flower car to be late. here flowers are taken after the funeral straight to the cemetary and are to be set up and waiting when the funeral arrives at the cemetary. well everything was going good and we had 8 escorts (motor officers) to escort the funeral to the cemetary. going just fine until i turned the coach into the entrance to the cemetary. yep, brand new 73 cad coach and it dies at the entrance. well tried to start the coach but got the old caddy drag. uuh uuhh . yall know the sound. either vapor locked or somethin. point is it would not start. well the flowers were taken in a 70 suburban that was a retired ambulance but was used for flowers or pickups from the me's office(county morgue) well had to stop all traffic and get some help from the officers and load casket into the 70 suburban amb. then it gets real fun as we had to push 3 tons of caddy uphill cause it was blocking the entrance to glenwood cemetary. the casket didnt slide to well and the ambulance had a squad bench. well would not fit! 4 cops and 2 funeral home employees carried the casket all the wy to the gravesite. it was a hike especially with a copper case casket. my dad was livid and embarrased to say the least. got back to the coach and of course it started. a week later a man who was way back in the procession and didnt see everything called to thank us for carrying the deceased to the gravesite and told my mom that his wish was to brought to his grave this way! ok lets hear your tale of the trade!!