Morturary Confidential

Another new book soon to be out soon to be out is Morturary Confidential. The reviews sound interesting and it has a unique illustration with a hearse. You can find a link to it on The authors are undertakers Kenneth McKenzie and Todd Harra.
I have been lisening to Coast to Coast for fifteen years and I don't recall the host ever having morticians as guest. This could be worth staying up for:sleep:
Mortuary Confidential

As it happens I heard these guys on the radio show this a.m. Long limo ride/party. But that is another story. With the answers they gave the call in listeners and the answers they were giving the host I have decided this is a book I want to read. One of them commented that the other is the new generation in the funeral business. I guess that means there is a good age difference between them. Now to see if the local library has or is going to get a copy.
Plenty on ebay

Based on the info and the link, I went on ebay and found several for sale "now" for about $11.00. I ordered mine!
books from Amazon

I just checked and they have many of these. If you go to amazon look in the new and used books. Right now copies are at $10 plus s&h.