I had a conversation with Tom Caserata (18 year Miller-Meteor employee) today. During his some of his tenure at Miller-Meteor he was responsable for working with vendors who produced some of the components used in the building of Miller-Meteor and Cotner/Bevington professional cars. Knowing that M-M had an in-house foundry, I asked Tom if they made the castings for siren pedestals (roof and fender mounts) at the plant. To my surprise, Tom told me that the pedestals, as well as the skirts for the Ful-Vu lights were cast at local foundry. M-M also farmed out other castings to a firm located 20 miles away. He will check with both companies to see if they still have the patterns or any of the castings in storage. As far as the Ful-Vu's are concerned; it appears that the lenes were produced by Grimes, with motors by Bader-Brown, and bases / skirts by a local foundry.