Memorial Day is here

The Memorial Day weekend is upon us. Cookouts, baseball games, races, and a host of other things will occupy our time. Please take a few moments and pause to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice that we may actually enjoy these weekends.

I've never seen it more simply put than this, on a sign in a church down the block: IN MEMORY OF MANY, IN HONOR OF ALL.

As we did last year, Monday morning we will all go over to the Ohio Veterans Home in Sandusky. They have a Rememberance Ceremony in the cemetery before the parade up to Oakland Cemetery. There is something extremely powerful yet very humbling about walking those grounds. Very hard to keep the eyes dry. I've noticed over the past several year a rather disturbing trend....simply, more white crosses, and fewer "old guys". Very sad indeed. It's our way of making a very small payment on a huge debt we owe them.

To all of you who have served (or are serving) our country a heartfelt "Thank you for your service", appreciated more than you will ever realize.

In loving memory of Larry Libbee, Craig Roydes, Jack Lundell, and Rick Albright, little boys from my distant past who gave all for all of us.
To all of you who have served (or are serving) our country a heartfelt "Thank you for your service", appreciated more than you will ever realize.

I agree. I have also heard this quote that I like as well. "All gave some, some gave all." Although attributed to the Billy Ray Cyrus song, I am sure it was around way before that. To all of the veterans of all the wars, we remember what you have done for us...THANK YOU!

My Mom and I will go to the cemetery this weekend and plant flowers at graves, including that of my Grandfather. He was drafted during WWII and served with the SHAEF Headquarters. In memory of him, Charles MacLean Richey.


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Happy Memorial Day.

This weekend after the shows,the BBQ's,the races,picnics or however you celebrate,take a moment to remember and think of those as Shawn quoted"all gave some,some gave all",thank a veteran, and know this Canadian appreciates all the USA has meant to us .Thank you,from the bottom of my free heart :smileflag::smileflagcan:
Thank you, Russ

Great post, Russ! And so correct. Please indulge me while I post pictures of my father, John Hoczyk, former PCS Member, who served with the Army Air Force during WW-II. For many years he drove one of my cars, usually my '76 Victoria, to exhibit at PCS International Meets, and loved the cars AND the people who befriended him. Dad had a massive stroke in 1995, preventing him from attending the Fort Wayne PCS International that I helped to host. The next year, though, my sister, now also deceased, help fly mom and dad to Minneapolis so that they could once again join us. It still brings a tear to my eye that so many PCS members came up to him and said hello. This is what makes the PCS truly wonderful. He will be gone 10 years in a matter of weeks, and not a day goes by that I don't miss him. Tom


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memorial day

IN HONOR Of: Guy C, Martin 1929-1976 U S Navy 1942-1945 my father died as a young man from shrapnel in his heart from kamakaze attack off of okinawa 1945. struggled with pain since ww2 ended. no way to remove so he lived every day in pain but NEVER complained. raised 5 kids and left us with one truth that WE should never forget, give back more in life than you get and you lived a afull life. Jack c. Martin sgt U S Army 1927-1945. died on leyte retaking phillipenes. bronze star. my uncle i never met. Jack H, Martin 1949 till today. my brother, vietnam 1968-1970. wheelchair since war and NEVER complains, except when tx a & m loses a football game. Kyle Landon Martin U S Army 2000-2006. wounded 3 times in iraq. 30 days walter reed army hosp. 41 days weisbadden germany recovering from wounds. NEVER complains. has ongoing issues from his wounds and asks for nothing except tickets to his favorite team Houston Astros. MY Son. me, all i did was clean garbage cans and stayed in trouble.. GOD BLESS THEM ALL! if you appreciate freedom thank those buried on foregn shores and here for what we all take for granted.. FREEDOM IS NOT NOR HAS NEVER BEEN FREE..:smileflag:
A weekend well spent thus far, lots of time for retrospection and relaxation. A morning well spent today, as we always do.

Later today, it's back to the old grind.....gotta be over north of Philadelphia at 0:early thirty in the morning.
Well The MotorCity Chapter was at 2 events (1) Yesterday (Sunday) A Fire Muster and Parade in Rochester. MI. and My wife's Office wanted the 71 Lifeliner for The Ferndale Memorial Day Parade Both Events I was The Only Pro Car there. But had a Great time.
