March 22-23 2013, CT EMS Conference, Cromwell CT

Dawson Blackmore

Mopar Chapter President
If I get enough participation I will setup resources to have an area set aside to show our Professional Car Vehickes at the Annual CT EMS Conference "Saving Lives with Dedication Through Education". If you show with your vehicle I will get you registration to the Conference for free, your cost will be hotel & food. Let's show the young people of EMS what the world was like in the days of AMBULANCES.

If you are planning on attending please email me at

Dawson Blackmore, Jr.
Vice Chairperson of Logistics - Exhibitor Area Coordinator
We had the opportunity to exhibit our car at the Michigan EMS expo this year in Grand Rapids. What a great time. Had alot of interest from young and old. Stories from the seasoned providers and curiosity from the young. Hoefully you will get a good turn out for this event. It is great to share the history of professional cars with young people and listen to the stories of the veteran providers. Thank you for sharing this opportunity.