Many threads

John Royark JR

PCS Member
I made a post on the Eureka thread that seems to been removed. I stated why do we need to have a seperate thread for the 64 and older Eurekas and 64 and newer? Are we also going to have a thread for every time other coachbuilders were under a different corperation? I already see 2 Superior threads pop up. Why do we need all this when we already have many of these cars pictured in the other threads like, classy Cadillacs, merry Oldsmobiles, Buicks, Bowties, Mopars, and what ever else is out there?
Are we going to also start new threads for red ambulances, one for red and white ambulances, all white ambulances, where will it end? We already have so many seperate posts talking about the same subject, sometimes at the same time, this will just make it more confusing to figure out what post to put something in.
Im sure this will get deleted also, but at least some will get to see it. Before my last one got removed I had a member email me in full agreement with my statement, so Im not the only one thinking this, just the only one that will step up and say something, I guess thats why Im not as liked, because I was brought up to speak my mind, not just be a follower to something you dont beleive.
Right after I posted this I saw that my post was not removed, but moved and renamed. See confusion as to where things are already.

As a member of the website committee, I suggested long ago that we create individual forums that are coachbuilder-specific. I thought this would be a good way to better organize the great photo threads Steve Loftin began as chassis-specific.

Now that we have photso - a couple of which are already duplicated - in different threads that are basically for the same purpose, perhaps someone is willing to take the time to "transplant" photos from the chassis-specifc threads and place them in the "coachbuilder-specific" threads.

By the same token, if everybody is ok with searching through several threads, there is no issue and things are fine the way they are.

Hey John,

So if I have a silver ambulance what thread do I list that under? Wait, its a combo, so is there a Silver Combo thread?

I am joking of course about the thread. While the pictures are superb, I am not a fan of wasted time and/or duplication especially when a thread gets to be a million pages long.... I will just try to avoid adding anything to threads I may not agree with or feel are repetitive.

An organized archive/thread of pictures by builder is a great idea Tony!
As a member of the website committee, I suggested long ago that we create individual forums that are coachbuilder-specific. I thought this would be a good way to better organize the great photo threads Steve Loftin began as chassis-specific.

Now that we have photso - a couple of which are already duplicated - in different threads that are basically for the same purpose, perhaps someone is willing to take the time to "transplant" photos from the chassis-specifc threads and place them in the "coachbuilder-specific" threads.

By the same token, if everybody is ok with searching through several threads, there is no issue and things are fine the way they are.
Thank you Tony. This is exactly what I was trying to do. I didn't realize it would cause a big fus though. The next thread will be for green coaches only, year range undecided. Just kidding.

john, in a way I do see your point, i just thought it would be nice to have coach builder specific threads as a reference guide of the different years and models of each coach builder.

( I was gonna comment but partially bit my tongue instead.)
I also do like the coach builder specific threads, I think it is a great idea, the main things Im dissagreeing with is we have so many other posts where alot of these cars are posted already, so many duplicates will turn some people off from looking if they keep seeing the same pic over and over, and the idea that a specific coachbuilder is seperated into pre this year because someone things the coaches are not as cool, or a original builder (rock Falls Vs. Canada Eurekas). How would we list the M-Ms build by Collins? I would say MM but someone else may say Collins.
I do like Tonys idea of transplanting the pics from the other threads (classy caddys, and so on) and possibly delete those posts,but then we would loose some of the discussion info that is between pics, and the poster of the pics.
Lets say I want to post a rusty Superior Chevy, would I post it in the Superior section, Bowtie beauties, Sad pro cars, or another place? See where the confusion comes in?
Sometimes I think you guys moan & groan just for the heck of it! Post the pictures where you think they are appropriate, or start a new thread and label the topic properly so people know whats in it!
me I can't find anything on here now. so it's hit the new post buttons and i look at what is new. if I seen it before I most like have a pictures of it in my file anyway. if I want to look up something I do the hay wasn't there a pictures of a black and orange with red stripes here some were and a helpful sole with brig it up for me. best search engine out there. me I think they should be labeled by manufacture not name. names that have been sold a dozen times are meaning less to who built what car. the part that amazes me is how people think because the name is the same it built by the same company. how many of you out there own a Earhart built superior. how about a superior built S&S? did you know that superior built the last few years of S&S before they folded? or is really all you care about that the door closes when you shut it and the engine starts when you turn the key. Hx is a big part of what we do as a group. separating different cars into there groups is part of Hx
OK, I don't think we need to get all riled up about this. There is a Cadillac thread. Now there is a Superior thread and some other coachbuilder threads. Some cars may turn up in both threads. OK, so?

It would be a great idea to take the photos that have been posted and rearrange them by coachbuilder and remove duplicates. I see just one problem with that. It's gonna take a lot of time and effort. I think that, whomever is most strongly in support of the idea of rearranging the threads in that manner should also be the one to do the work involved. If you don't have the time, well, then it probably won't happen.

Just a fact of life. Can't fix everything in an imperfect world.
It would be great if there was a generic database form where someone could fill in blanks and submit photos that would cause the information to be distributed to the appropriate thread. Say when someone joins they could enter the information about their car and it would be included in the appropriate area. Also it would be beneficial as people locate vehicles or photos of vehicles that they too could enter known information and have it included in appropriate threads. Seems as though this could eliminate some of the confusion and help in searches. I don't know of any other pro car site that has this available and think that it would be great if we could be the leader in the organization of procar data. I realize that this would take alot of time and effort to get up and running but if we got the generic database form set up each member could enter their own information and get the ball rolling. I don't know alot about computers but I've gotta believe it is possible.:my2cents::respect::myopinion:
but there is one it right here.

I would encourage everyone to send there pictures to this side also. the northland chapter of the PCS has a man dedicated to just this site to sort out and place the pictures on it. this is a service that this chapter of the PCS has been doing. for some time now.

but unlike this side here quickly posting multiple pictures is not just a click away. here all we are doing is swapping pictures in the man cave kind of thing not creating archives for future generations.
It would be great if there was a generic database form where someone could fill in blanks and submit photos that would cause the information to be distributed to the appropriate thread. Say when someone joins they could enter the information about their car and it would be included in the appropriate area. Also it would be beneficial as people locate vehicles or photos of vehicles that they too could enter known information and have it included in appropriate threads. Seems as though this could eliminate some of the confusion and help in searches. I don't know of any other pro car site that has this available and think that it would be great if we could be the leader in the organization of procar data. I realize that this would take alot of time and effort to get up and running but if we got the generic database form set up each member could enter their own information and get the ball rolling. I don't know alot about computers but I've gotta believe it is possible.:my2cents::respect::myopinion:

yes possible... ; ems classics , northland pcs, cadillac lasalle club sites just to name a few databases.