Usually cars with zippers in the front drivers compartment were combination coaches or even ambulances. Do you have an overhead linen compartment, roller panels and jump seats in the rear of your car? If not it could have been a car where a beacon was required for used during funeral processions. If so you may also have a removable roof plug as well as this was how you got to the wire and nut to remove the beacon.
I just have a standard casket table rear. I do have an area on the roof for where the beacon was, never thought to look to see if I could reach the beacon area from there. That probably wouldve prevented such an easily answerable question haha. Any idea what the correct beacon for it would be?
Probably the correct beacon when new would have been a FS 184-D Power Light but anything in the Beacon Ray model line of lights would be correct on the car as beacons, etc were kept and moved from car to car. Models are Federal Signal Beacon Ray (gum ball) models 17-D, 173-D, 174-D and 176-D and the flat topped FS 184-D Power Light all with amber domes for funeral prossession use could have been used. And D is for demountable and all would have been 12 volt to.
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