yes and then you might as will tossing a set of rings and then you might as will, pull the engine and do a complete overhaul. there is no substitute for doing a complete job right the first time. however the intakes are good there is vary little wear in the cylinders. you can still see the cross hatch. the last man that drove this car was a putter. just lugged it around and the carbon had built up heavy in it. that held the valves open burning them out. the flat head has some inhered problems with the design. one being the build up of carbon. the intakes sit high in the seat still and the man doing the job feels replacing them is unnecessary, light dressing is all they will need. we will never do the cost to cost run with this car. I'm not expecting it to do tasks it was never designed for. so a good repair on the existing problem is what I need. it's also all my monthly entitlement will allow. as with anything extra one has to weigh the problem with the use and roll the dice sometimes.