How to keep mice away...

Paul Steinberg

PCS Life Member Past President 2010-2012 2020-2024
Super Site Supporter
Found this article about how to keep mice away from your collectible vehicle while in storage.. Read the article and then comment below. I personally have used the D Con method for many years, but it seems that they keep coming back for more all winter long. I think that they see the garage as a restaurant for mice. :D
I used to use moth balls, but for the last few years have tried the dryer sheet method, and I have not had any mice. Smells better than moth balls too! I also have a few of the big farm traps that mics can get in but cannot get out, and it will hold 20 each pretty easily so you dont have to check it every day.
I have also heard for many years that the Irish Spring soap works great, but never tried that.
Mouse Control

For garage perimeter security, I use some stuff that resembles tea bags that give off a minty smell. I'm going off memory here, but I think they come in boxes of 4 or 6. I get them at Fleet Farm. The odor is supposed to head off the mice before they come into the garage. It must work because I have not had any mice in the garages (I use this stuff in our house garage as well as the classic car garage.)
We scrub the entire floor with suddsy ammonia, this gets rid of their urine scent tracks.I put bait traps outside near doors and by areas that have water, rain gutters etc.We also spread a bag of ammonium sulphate around the foundation. This has worked pretty well. I like d-con but it isnt good when they die in the seats.
Jeremy's Coke receipe to blow-up mice!

Not sure about that one.... but when I was in 2nd or 3rd Grade (a l-o-n-g time ago....circa 1954 in Fallbrook CA) the Teacher put a metal nail in a Kerr-Mason Jar filled with Coke up on the window sill.... every day you could see the nail disinigrating until it was gone as I recall in about a week or so. Not sure if it was rigged or no.... but not many kids in our school drank Cokes! MM
I to have heard about the coke and nail in a Mason jar Mike as well but have never see it done. But, in high school we had a science teacher who had an old aquarium full of water with a full unopened can of coke and a full unopened can of diet coke in it sitting in the classroom. Why was this you ask? The full can of coke was sunk on the bottom BUT the full unopened diet coke can was floating on the top! You could take the cans out and the regular coke would go to the bottom like a rock and the diet coke would bobble as you dropped it in and float to the top everytime. It was neat to see but I can't remember the actual reason for the diet coke to float though.

BTW, I've had the best luck with dryer sheets to keep mice away!:D
Today while plowing snow, I uprooted a family of mice that were living under some leaves that were snow covered. I tried to bulldoze them into the pile, but I am afraid that they might just be able to dig their way out. :(