How to buy a JFK ambulance or hearse!

Jeremy D. Ledford

PCS Volunteer Chapter President
This is an email that's going around telling you how to by your very own JFK ambulance and or hearse, compliments of Rick Franklin!:)

How to buy the 1964 JFK Cadillac Hearse, valued at $1.5 million, if you only have $30,000.

Step 1: Buy a 1964 Cadillac Hearse that isn't the one used to transport JFK's body.

Step 2: Make up a story about how your non-JFK Hearse is the JFK Hearse.

Step 3: Sell your fake JFK Hearse through a Barrett-Jackson auction where they ignore all evidence the car is a fake and claim your fake JFK Hearse could be the real deal because of all the conspiracies surrounding JFK.

Step 4: Repeat as needed until you have enough money to buy the actual JFK Hearse.

Step 5: Belatedly realize that for $1.5 million you could have bought 500 used 1st Gen Mazda Miatas instead of a single overpriced hearse. :boo:
Why not sub a 64 Superior combo in need of complete restoration. It seems no one read anything over and its only 1964. I'll quote my mama "WHAT were you thinking?"