Has Accubuilt retired the Eureka name?

Joining Miller-Meteor in retirement? The Eureka name seems to have disappeared from the Accubuilt website. I get the impression Eureka branded coaches will no longer be rolling out the door at the factory.
name dropping

Last year when the M-M name was dropped from the AccuBuilt website I wrote and ask them if they were doing away with M-M. They never answered. During one of our visits to AccuBuilt the question was asked and never given a hard answer. I think they push the Superior and SS names. We all know the trim level is what makes a lot of the difference between the marques in the AccuBuilt house. When only a handful of M-M models are ordered the corporate bean counters think why inventory something that we can replace with a more popular model?
We have all seen the downsizing of different car makers and this manufacturer is not immune to the same forces driving the 'normal' car market.
As long as there is a PCS I am sure the names of Miller-Meteor and Eureka will be with us. Maybe not in new coaches,:my2cents: but they will still be appreciated for their contribution to the history of hearse and ambulance making in this country.
61 M-M