Danny Ryder - Deceased - 1962 - 2021
PCS Life Member
Had trouble this morning with the company car so got old blue out of the basement and off I went. For those who don't know this is my 70 caddy mm combo. Got about half mile from work and noticed a red tahoe tail gateing me and I recognized it as a county fire chief car and as I turned in the car lot he whipped in behind me so I jumped out and ask was he trying to pull me over. He laughed as he begun to drool over my car and then three more fire vehicles wheeled in and before long I had almost a dozen guys talking about the good ole days and crawling all over my car. After a bit I ask if they wanted to see my 64 ford F750 fire truck and they lite up again. This went on for about an hour, guess slow for fires today. THey wanted to know if the truck would pump which I was told it would but I don't know how to use it so they said give them a call when alittle warmer and bring over to the station and we would fill with water and give a try. Fun visit.