Getting the ich

John ED Renstrom

PCS Member
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The end of February has been 60-degree days. Man, I want to drive a car. I got the fuel problem in the 64 taken care of, so I've been running it downtown. We get an alignment done on it and then it's good to go. And we can play a little more with it. I know it's too soon to pull covers off and run the cars, but man, the itch is getting stronger.
Ed, I hear you. It was like 55 here today. Monday, they forecast a significant snow. Just wanted to get out and go. Maybe tomorrow, before a normal March day returns.
Mine doesn't go out until a few heavy rains wash the sale off the roads. Salt will ruin any car, especially one built 50+ years ago when they used mild steel for the sheet metal.
We had that cleaning rain. They don't use any of that liquid brine down here. That's the stuff that eats cars, bridges, and anything made of aluminum. Nasty stuff, it will eat up a concrete road in a couple of years.