frosted window crosses


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  • 2RD.jpg
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Looking Nice.......I too have been toying with the Idea of Using a Combo of the "Window Frost" and some Dark Window Tint on one of my "Project Ambulances"
Just not sure what the best way to go about it is.....
does it get any better

I don't know if it gets any better than this? An IH Travelall and an ambulance. What more could a guy ask for? Yes, I have to admit I
am a bit biased.
Being retired from IH I think it is allowed.
Looking great. I like the new crosses.

I have always liked your IH but those frosted crosses really look great. Nice job!
cutting and fitting

The 'original" crosses on most IH's I can find pictures for were gold with red trim. That would really stand out nice.
I assume they were a decal of some sort. I was considering trying glass spraypaint on a window from a wreckers to experiment with how it might look and how to get nice lines from the stencils. Never had much luck with stencils.
The frosted window film was cheap and I went through a number of tries to figure out how to mask the outside with masking tape and then positioning the sticky side on the inside properly. They look good at a distance ;)
look good in the pictures to. they have a clear contact paper out for a shelf liner that would work good also. must be similar stuff. cheap enough so you can learn as you go.
Very nice Bob.

Looks great Bob, you did a nice job. Best part is, if you don't like it...peal it off and start again. Certainly less expensive that having the windows etched.