John ED Renstrom
PCS Member
i picked up ths 107 for a decent price. but it's a little too rough to put in a car. what to do? I have this old Coronado that I got at a auction for 100 bucks I bet Kandy will help me get it up and running. so one repaired plug and a new drive wheel made from a heater hose later. she helped me set it up. we are not talking about cataract surgery yet but soon we will be. but figured out were to oil and let it run some to wake up a little. it's just like a old car find out why they stopped using it, fix that and anything else that got cobbled or broken. then it works like new. the seamstress leaves a little to be desired but hey. I haven't done anything like this in about 20 years either. so we are both rusty. I can't imagine a service that let their equipment get this bad. its all from rubbing in storage on a moving rig, the belt to. we did get to learn how to fill the bobbin on this old gal. and now we have a extra belt and a chair to sit on in the shop. anyone know where there is a set of gray belts with the sliding teeth buckle on them. it will be just right for the 53.