finding parts locally

Mike Stevens

PCS Member
My 61 M-M needed a new fuel pump. I will leave those 'rare' ones on evilbay. They are too pricey. I went to NAPA. They had my pump listed for $49. That is the best priced pump I have bought in several years. You would be surprised what your local parts store can get for you if you ask.

I bought the last one from Summit Racing.

Forgot the price but it was something like that.

They are good things to have a spare for.

I always touch base with rock auto first then price out my locale parts store. surprising how often they are the same or cheaper when you add in the freight. and I can pick up what i need the next day. it's not all the time but enough to make sure I check with them before I order anything on line. but whatever you do before buying anything on e-bay check amazon first. a lot of sellers are listing then buying from them and drop shipping to you for a easy buck
The challenge with NAPA is dealing with the knuckle-headed kids behind the counter! Sometimes it seems impossible to get them to just back away fom the computer and pick up their vintage parts catalogs, which is usually the only place that they will find it. You just want to tell them to get the heck out of the way and let me look it up myself!
The two old guys at my NAPA always look in the old books first ...then they will turn to the computer in front of them if all else fails !
The two old guys at my NAPA always look in the old books first ...then they will turn to the computer in front of them if all else fails !

Unfortunately, those "old guys" are few and far between anymore at any NAPA store. Most of the company owned NAPA stores are extremely frustrating to deal with as they are all under-staffed. The privately owned NAPA stores are much more customer friendly. I started my sales career 21 years ago as a Balkamp District Sales Manager calling on NAPA stores exclusively. I try to pick up old NAPA parts catalogs(from the '80s or '90s) whenever I see them in flea markets, etc. It helps immensely when you have a part number when you go in for something.