Fibreglass Horse

We have recently restored a 1908 horse drawn ambulance and are looking for a supplier of a good quality horse to display in front of her. Can anyone help with some supplier information for this type of thing? A period looking pole stretcher would be nice too but one thing at at time.

Get a real horse that has died and take it to the taxidermist....... :071: It worked for Trigger and Roy Rogers.......
horse and stretcher...

This place in Brockville just had ana auction Feb 20 last week and they had a bunch of lifesize fiberglass horses..some in harness which would have been great... if they didn't sell maybe you could contact the seller through them.

Couldn't find a canadian firm but I'm sure they exist that make these....I found these links in the US... the statues cost in the S2000 range...

Are you with the Lampton paramedics that restored the Petrolia horse drawn ambulance? If so I have a vintage wood and brown canvas pole stretcher I'll donate...It's too old for my ambulance and I want to find it a good home..
Check at an area Tack shop

Check at some of the local Tack shops. Maybe they have an old display model they'd sell.

I typed "fibergalss horse" into a search engine and found many suppliers of this item.
I sometimes wonder why folks don't avail themselves of the abilities of their own computers.
John Dorgan
Check with Wayne Shonecker (sp?) in the Tri State Chapter he has one for his horse drawn:thumb:
I just drove by a place in Ramsey Minnesota that sells them. They were standing outside the business. If you want, I can try to find more information.
I typed "fibergalss horse" into a search engine and found many suppliers of this item.
I sometimes wonder why folks don't avail themselves of the abilities of their own computers.
John Dorgan

Because you don't get Paul's attempt in humor when you use a search engine.