Detroit Autorama 2010 Pictures

I worked at Detroit Autorama 2010 at Cobo Hall yesterday for the Flint Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. I was there to promote Back to the Bricks, Bikes on the Bricks, and the Sloan Auto Fair. Had the pleasure of seeing PCS member Darren Bedford. Looked like he was having fun with bags full of free stuff.

I took pictures that I thought some of you would enjoy. Click or copy and paste on the link below:

You will have to sign in to view the album:
User name is:
Password is: PCSmichigan1

The cars were just beautiful. I even got to meet "The Fonz." Enjoy the pictures.
Click on the link in my original post.

It takes you to the Kodak site. In the upper right side of the screen (above "cart") it says "Sign In"

In the first line type:
In the second line type: pcsmichigan1

Then click on "Sign In"

I just tried it and it worked.
The Batmobile you see in the pictures is the one that they used in the most recent Batman movie. I also got Don Garlits autograph.
Much better when using lower case letters. Nice pictures Kimberly. The Red Baron was my favorite and I like the 66 Batmobile better. Thanks for sharing.
There was an error on the Kodak page when I tried to log in with your info. Are you speaking of the "Forever" Car ? The newer "replica" of the Batman Forever movie car?
If so, Please correct your posting, as the Matte Black "Forever" car you saw at Autorama this past weekend was NOT from the movie, it is a fully functional, driveable built from the GROUND up , hand made vehicle built by Bob Causey over the past decade with Bunches Custom Craft and a few other very skilled individuals (refining the vehicle in the past 10 months).
There was an error on the Kodak page when I tried to log in with your info. Are you speaking of the "Forever" Car ? The newer "replica" of the Batman Forever movie car?
If so, Please correct your posting, as the Matte Black "Forever" car you saw at Autorama this past weekend was NOT from the movie, it is a fully functional, driveable built from the GROUND up , hand made vehicle built by Bob Causey over the past decade with Bunches Custom Craft and a few other very skilled individuals (refining the vehicle in the past 10 months).

When you sign in, use all lower case letters. There shouldn't be a problem then.

I'll just let your post correct me.:pat: I was told, by several people, that it was from the movie.

I do know for sure that I met Henry Winkler. :thumb: