Regarding the various requests I have received to look for or secure parts at Desert Valley Auto Parts, I will likely make another trip out there within the next month. For PCS members and message board users, I would be happy to look for parts, take photos and measurements, obtain prices, and attempt to give a realistic opinion on the condition of any available part.
I regret that I am unable to front funds for any purchase, or package and ship parts to interested parties. There are just too many things that can go wrong in these circumstances, not the least being the buyer not being satisfied with the item received vs. the price paid for it.
DVAP specializes in the old car restoration market, and they know what their inventory is worth. Their stuff is not cheap! They also have the expertise to properly prepare items for shipment, as most of their parts ultimately get shipped, rather than purchased by walk-in customers. They have a great website where you can, in many cases, see photos of the parts cars by year, make and model, and they have a 1-800 number as well.
Rick, from my experience out there, it is unlikely (in my opinion) that they will sell the sconces from a rare and complete set of landau bars. Without the sconces, the bars themselves lose most of their value. I tried to buy a seat adjuster knob for a '59 Oldsmobile, and they told me if the parts car was a two-door, I would have to buy the whole seat! Fortunately, I was able to find another one in a 4-door. I will still check the measurements that you gave me, as well as get a price on the panels in front of the landau bars.
Kenn, I will get a photo of that r.f. fender for you and check the condition. Will a fender from a stock '64 deVille work as well? If it will, I can see what else is out there.
Greg, I will respond privately to your PM.