Corvette limo

If your going to start converting vehicles do you not start with something less expensive,and giving it a bath may have added a couple of dollars.:myopinion:
corvetter limo?

Limo? Really? From the picture it looks so cobbled together what I see is Corvette parts. But maybe that is just my old geezer eyes looking at it.
There are quite a few Corvette limos out there, (there is even one in my area but newer year), although not my style, but looks more complete than some projects you see unfinished. This one has been for sale off and on for a year or so. At least this time a hearse was spared a limo conversion.
It looks like one Corvette rear-ended another really hard. Seriously though, sometimes when a lot of money or time goes into something this stupid, I just can't believe it.