Congratulations to Ken & Amy Olson

Paul Steinberg

PCS Life Member Past President 2010-2012 2020-2024
Super Site Supporter
Congratulations to Ken & Amy Olson on the birth of their twins, Emily arriving January 23, 2012 at 11:22 PM weighing 6 lbs 11 oz and Luke at 11:44 PM, weighing 6 lbs 8 oz.. Amy and kids are doing fine, Noah is being a helpful big brother!

CONGRATS on the new arrivals! Richard, I think your stork pics in your photo album may come in handy about now!


Thanks to all for the good wishes. Everyone is doing wonderfully except Amy & I are somewhat sleep deprived! These little people are truly a blessing to have, we will have to introduce them to the pro car world as soon as we can. On another good note,we are hoping to have our ambulance on the road soon, the brakes are done, the transmission checkout is next and we should be road worthy, it has been a long 5 years!
Cute kids

Congratulations on the birth of your twins! best of luck. I'm a little out of the loop,as i did not even know you guys were expecting.Guess i'll have to call or stop by more often.
Congratulations! Once they come of age, that will be one twin for each of the jump seats in their 1972 Cotner-Bevington Oldsmobile Combination Coach. That would be a guaranteed attention-getter at that big convention they hold for twins in Twinsburg, Ohio!