Congratulations are in order...

Tony Karsnia - Deceased - 1971-2020

September 12, 1971 - November 2, 2020
Many of you have come to the Northland over the years to "play cars" with us, meeting one of our gracious hosts, Gene Rafferty, in the process. Gene serves as the Northland Chapter's Vice-President, spending many evenings and weekends in the "warmer seasons" out promoting the old car hobby with his 1976 Cadillac Fleetwood 75, 1976 Superior Cadillac hearse, or 1977 Chevrolet Corvette. Gene doesn't miss much and is always happy to talk cars.

Well, he's also a very active member of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club's local chapter up here, called the North Star Region. He's served on that club's Board of Directors for the past several years as secretary and membership director. At the October board meeting on Wednesday evening, Gene was elected PRESIDENT of the CLC North Star Region! He officially takes office at our Spring banquet in May at Mancini's Char House in St. Paul.

CONGRATULATIONS, my friend, on this well-deserved position of leadership!
Congratulations, my friend!!

Makes me fondly remember riding around Minnesota in that limousine of yours. Pancakes at Micky's and all!!