Combination Siren

did combinations have a siren ??? I know they had removable lights but what about the siren ? was it under the hood /
Short answer - they could and frequently did.

My '61 C/B Olds had a small Federal Model 28 siren mounted behind the grill originally.
Original '64 Miller Meteor limo style combination captured awaiting restoration - which happened to sell to a PCS member last summer.

I never worked at a funeral home while they ran an ambulance service, but I heard many stories of how some curious person riding in the "hearse" during a funeral procession or at a cemetery, would touch the siren button and make quiet a scene. I am glad the days of funeral home run ambulance services are over.
I mounted a Federal 28 on the siren mounting bracket.... Kinda vibrates car alot, is there a pad/gasket to go underneath? Also, for my 64 combo, what Kind of siren is appropriate?
I mounted a Federal 28 on the siren mounting bracket.... Kinda vibrates car alot, is there a pad/gasket to go underneath? Also, for my 64 combo, what Kind of siren is appropriate?

There should be no vibration if the siren is bolted down tight and the mounting plate is secure...something needs to be "cinched up."
I had a 57 and a 69 that had Federal 28 under the hood, but a director was also common past 65. I had plenty of room for both behind the grille on the 69 plus two red flashers.
The #28

was a very common siren for combo's and if it was able to fit you could put nearly anything you wanted under the hood. Federal did make demountable models also.