casket rollers

Jim Barron

PCS Member
Just about finished restoring the 56 flower car I was wondering how to free up the casket rollers? any easy way, I've tried several ways so far no luck,Thanks in advance Jim
I have never dealt with casket rollers being stuck, but I have dealt with lots of other things that have been stuck. I would suggest that you remove them first, and using a stiff brush, remove as much sand and dirt as possible. Then I would spray the roller pivots with a product called PB Blaster penetrating oil. It is a excellent penetrating oil, and allow it to soak for a couple of days. Then using your hand, attempt to move the roller in one direction, and then in the opposite direction, until the roller is free turning. You might need to spray them a couple of time while turning them to loosen them up. Once you have them free, wipe them down with a paper towel to remove any excess penetrating oil. Usually when things get stuck, it is a combination of dirt and rust that causes the problem.
I'd also suggest PB Blaster. I freed up a complete set of reversible rollers in my 52 Superior combo with that stuff. You're gonna want to drench them with the stuff and it might take a while ( weeks ). I just kept going back at it and forced it pressing them down on a block of wood. You never would have guessed that they would be the nice rollers they ended up to be. And in regards to the reversible factor, I had to tap on the internal parts with a punch to free those up and just kept working with them to get them to move freely.