Casket Rollers, Bier Pins, C.C. Jacks

Kurt Arends

PCS Elected Director 2021-2024
Have scads of casket rollers and bier pins for sale. I have Eureka, S&S, & Superior styles. Also several minty C.C. jacks. Some still in their original G.M. box. Just let me know what you need.
I don't know which style of bier pins & plates your '62 M-M Duplex would have had. Does your coach still have a floor in back?
Any bier pins for a mid-90's Eureka? You can PM me if you like. I think the post is the 1/2", but I could double check the size of you have anything available.

Thank you!
Yes, I do have bier pins and pin blocks(they all break) for '80s/'90s Eurekas. Just let me know the size of the post.
Doubled my inventory of rollers, bier pins, skid plates today. Mostly all S&S, Superior, and Eureka 1992 and older. Just let me know what you are looking for and what quantity.