"Humble Heroes" is a book that offers a concise, illustrated history of a vital period in American emergency medical service. Up until the 1970's funeral homes large and small operated emergency ambulance service across the nation, using professional cars of all makes and styles. Through 40 pages and 30 photographs showing funeral home ambulances and their crews at work in the 1960's and 70's, the book addresses the manner in which funeral homes operated this important public service. Softcover, saddle stitched, 40 pages, with black and white photos by Bill Dever, Dr. Jim Moshinskie and Kent Kirkley. Retail price $15.00, plus $2 shipping. Special PCS website price $13 plus $2 shipping. Order direct from the author, Scott Reinbolt, at P.O. Box 103, Blanchester, OH. 45107.