we got us another fire about 12 miles north. started yesterday. really blew up. so the other 15 don't count as they got put out right away. such is life in the west. even the thunderstorm that is going on now had a hr of lighting before we got any rain. we had to make the Dr run to get a injection in my shoulder to keep going on Paul's 69. so we took the 72. the AC works in it. it was over 100 again today. the car acted like it was 70. put 220 some miles on it and treated it to a needed oil change. I did that just 3 years ago but the mileage was creeping up to 2000 on it. glad we had it as we decided to get us a new Maple tree to plant in the yard. here is hoping this one takes. we were limited on size though as we only had the Seville. if we had of taken the 68 we could have gotten a bigger one. here are a few pictures of the days outing. that superior ambulance is still there. no one around again today.