Anybody go to the Jackson fire swap meet last weekend?

It's usually a good one for old lights and sirens. I was busy with the Ohio meet-up. I know last year there were a handful of PCS mambers there.
I spoke with Walt McCall who told me that he went and that he sold quite a few of his books there. He didn't mention seeing anyother PCS people.

I saw Walt, Len langlois, Jim Vowell...Was a great show with alot more vendors this year. As usual, I came home with more than I took !
I was there for a couple of hours. Didn't think to ask before the meet if anyone from here was planning to attend.

Should have bought the Mack truck Bulldog ash tray, even though I don't smoke. Soft spot for Macks, my favorite truck when I was a firefighter out west was our 57 B series open cab pumper.
Jackson is usually good!

The Jackson fire show is usually good..........I wonder about Ken Soderbeck's house, after that fire a couple years ago? Does anyone know about his house's condition? years back, going to the house was almost as good as going to the swap meet! When I went there, I did pick up a couple of Mars 888 lights, and the deck gun for my LaFrance (had a terrible time getting the deck gun through side door of the motor home)............