Another Bad day

I woke this morning, revocering ffrom ahard hot day at the Dealership. Went to my truck to take the garbage down the street for pickup yesterday morning. un-beknown to me, one of my pups ran in front of my truck, and the front wheel ran over his back hind. He looked unscathed but he wasn't.

His spine was severed at the lumbar the x-ray's showed. After going to specialist after specialist all morning and afternoon with him, we ended up
at UC Davis where all the pro's are, hoping for the best.

His chances were 50/50 he would walk ever again, or even able to void. They suggested that my wife and I should come to terms and let him go. So, again, like Sparky, we held him
tight and said goodbye.

I never in my wildest dreams though this would happen to me again, or so soon. Now, I have to beautiful Dalmations in heaven, saving a place for Daddy one day. Life is short and never certain. Love your pets and treat them like you would to your children, for such as these...they are.:(
Sorry to hear about your pet Kent. It's never easy to say goodbye no matter how short or long you've had them as a companion.
Several years ago,I lost 2 horses in a barn fire,felt like someone ripped out my heart,fools will say they are just animals, mine are family and usually your truest friend,thinking of you at this time..
I hear it said that they are only animals, but not to some of us. I have cried every single time one of our animals dies. They are family to us. We feel your pain Kent!
I'm so sorry to hear this, but in the end you most definitely did the right thing. My thoughts are with you and your family.


The guy next door ran over my cat with his truck a few years ago and separated his rear legs from his body. In the end I had to put him down too.

I know what you are going through. Stay strong and things will get better with time.

your loss

Losing a companion animal is always painful. A circumstance like this makes the pain almost unbearable. It is evident from all the messages, Kent, that you are surrounded by people who sense your loss and are keeping you in their thoughts as you grieve your loss.

Dr Roger D White
Kent.... read the poem 'The Rainbow Bridge" it will make you feel so much better.

do a search on the web "The Rainbow Bridge" poem

I have a copy of it framed on my wall.
everytime I think of one of my "lost Friends" I read it and it makes me cry and smile at the same time.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your pet. Our condolences are with you..
Paul & Sandy
Kent, we just put our wolf-hybrid down in January with arthritis in her hips so she could no longer get to a standing position without help from us after 13.5 years of a very happy life coming from such a bad place when she was a wife and I are 'animal people' and we understand what you're going through...'Tis a bad day, indeed when you must make choices that can devastate your life, but, as we did, you made the right choice and let go..which is the hardest choice of all....condolences on your loss and our prayers are with you and yours in your time of sorrow.

Don & Laurel
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