70 Superior Ambulance update....

James Fischer

PCS Member
Got a call from the hauler this morning.....

He had a blowout Christmas day at about 5pm....so had to work in below 10 degrees in the Utah mountains......coming from Colorado......

He is currently stuck in Wendover Nv/Utah border with the ambulance and 2 motorcycles in tow....

Current weather is 21 degrees and I/80 is closed due to several jack-knifed tractor trailers......CalTrans says it will be about 5-8 hours before I/80 reopens....
He said he will be staying there since this is the only hotel(casino) until Reno which is about 400 miles away....

Hopefully he can continue tomorrow AM...to Reno....

Of course he then faces Donner Summit over the sierras.......assuming that the pass is open at all........

So,its slow going BUT...its inching its way to Californa.......

Stay tuned.........:)
What size van we talking?

I believe he said its a Ford 550......
Our 30' Gulfstream MH is on a Ford 450 chassis.....and that weighs a lot.....

It must do the job since he just finished hauling a hearse to Texas and is picking up a 39 Packard here in Sacramento area to haul back east once the ambulance is unloaded.......:)

:)The 70 was delivered yesterday(Friday) about 1 PM.

It started out a bit shakey on Christmas Eve for the hauler...
After arriving in Naturita he found everything CLOSED,NO gas,NO food and NO room at the motel......
The only place that was open was a little local bar......he decided to go and ask where some services would be available...
He explained to the lady behind the bar that he was there to pick up a vintage ambulance.....she chuckled and said" Ohh really ?? My DAD owns that car,and we also own the cafe and the bar !!"
She offered him some dinner from the cafe,and told him he would have to go about 45 miles down the highway to get a motel.....so after dinner he went and loaded up the coach in driving snow...and was ready to get on the road to head to the motel...at 20-25MPH....he finally got to the motel....
Left Christmas day morning...had BLOWOUT #1(on Trailer) after about 20 miles of driving....
Stopped in Wendover/Utah for the night.....then headed to RENO and over Donner Pass....on Thursday
Then 10 miles before arriving at my house on Friday he had blowout #2 (on trailer)......
But the coach arrived safely and intact....
Of course she has dirt,sand and grime caked on.....

I will post pictures in the next couple of days...........:)
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