'39 Eureka LaSalle to be used in funeral service

Tom Hoczyk

PCS Past President
I got a phone call from Feller Funeral Home in Auburn, wanting me to drive my '39 Eureka as part of the funeral in the attached article. The husband and wife died last Wednesday in a car crash between Fort Wayne and Indianapolis. Most interstingly, it seems that Feller's 1960 Superior Cadillac combination and my Eureka will both be INSIDE the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum for the services. I'll try to take some photos after the funeral Monday. Tom

That is a very special request, I would say congratulations to you, if that is proper.

I have often thought of the ACD Museum and the fun we had in Fort Wayne back in 1995.
Yes, Bill, the ACD Museum is a special place alright, and I'm glad you got to see it in '95. The room where our luncheon was held is the room where the funeral service will be, and apparently we'll have both hearses inside too, so I'll see if I can get some pics to post after tomorrow. Lots of detailing to do today! Tom