1971 CB ambulance

Mike I can't get this to open

Mike can you double check this link?????? I'm getting an error message.
Link not working for me either, I just get this message:
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Mike what we got to do to buy a car from you. I asked you were to sent the money before the meet you think I was kidding.
I have someone local coming to see the car tonight. I'll let you know how it works out. I'd have no problem selling it to you....green is green !
will if they pick it up (I could get that lucky) let them know I have all the parts here to put it back the way it was. the missing emblems ,wheels covers and the like. all most a complete interior all 5 doors and most all of the exterior moldings. also all the glass inside and out. that missing tool box door. it would be nice to see it back blue and white like it left the factory. not vary many blue ambulances out there.