1970 Superior Hightop ( Really needs to be rescued! )

Unfortunately this car is being parted. Looks way too nice of a car to be parted regardless of a rotten frame. Hopefully someone saves this thing from a fatal ending. Follow the link below..........


The ad.........

I am parting out my 1970 Cadillac Superior Ambulance Coach. Frame is shot and engine has not run in a few years. However most of the interior is good and much of the chrome trim (in and out) is good. It has etched rear windows with red crosses on them that are in good shape as well. I have all the original cone light lenses and bases, some wiring, seats, jump seat, exterior emblems, and more. Email or call with inquiries. Rob seven 1 nine - 2four6 -Three2three7
Interior chrome - $100
Exterior chrome - $200
Red cone lenses and bases (total of 8) $200
Front seat (red) - $100
Red jump seat - $100
Red seat and head cushions $50
exterior crosses (2) - $50
exterior side lights (2) - $50
Etched glass (set)- $900
Overhead compartment - $50
Battery switch - $25
Light switch panel - $25
Red/white door panels, handles - best offer
Calling Darryl Thompson!

Hopefully, someone will get it bought and save it. If someone does and needs a hauler, I do know that Mark Baker will be in Denver on Feb. 5th with his 25ft. trailer and may be able to haul it East. His phone number is 480.352.1576. He is going to be dropping off a pair of fenders at my place in Iowa that are coming from California. Darryl???
Hopefully, someone will get it bought and save it. If someone does and needs a hauler, I do know that Mark Baker will be in Denver on Feb. 5th with his 25ft. trailer and may be able to haul it East. His phone number is 480.352.1576. He is going to be dropping off a pair of fenders at my place in Iowa that are coming from California. Darryl???

Fighting the urge... Fighting the urge... :beatdeadhorse5:

Even if it is "just for parts" for my suicided 1970 48". Kurt you know that in my household suggestions as such are known as "state sponsored terrorism". :D:D:D

This would be an easier decision if I lived in the country vs the city. 3/4 of an acre and an overzealous code enforcement department just create an interesting love of me and my coaches.
