we are looking for a tank for this 1958 here. today we took one off a standard 1958 caddy. got it home and of course it will not fit a 1958 CC car. that one is the same as the standard 1957 caddy. but how ever I did get to compare this tank off of a 1958 with the other tanks around here. Paul was able to look up some numbers in his old parts book. the standard tank off a 1958 caddy is the same as the CC tank from 1959 to 1970. so (Mike) or any one looking for a gas tank for there 1959 to 1970 Commercial chassis car can buy a new or used 1958 caddy tank and put it right on. the fuel gage is the same as the standard 1958 caddy also so that chapter in our parts hunting is over with. now anyone have a good 1957 caddy gas tank??