1959 Superior Cadillac Ambulance

Joseph G Unrein

PCS Member
A couple of questions.-

Gas gage is incorrect. Sometimes stuck on full. Has anyone ever dropped the tank and replaced the sending unit? Is the sending unit unit different than the regular passenger car? Suggestions are appreciated.

Also looking for the side molding for both sides. Front to back.

Thanks in advance.

Joe Unrein
Sending unit for the 59 will be the standard sending unit for a 58 caddy. The tank is the standard tank out of a 58 They did not change the ohm reading on them until around 64.
Post a profile of the molding. These moldings are stainless steel and if you can find enough parts they can be welded together to make up the lengths that you need. Once welded and polished, they look like new. Finding the correct mounting clips is going to be a bigger challenge, but if you have a sample, that will help to get what you need. If you have the originals, they can be repaired to look like new so you won't have to buy anything. I have a local shop that I use for repairing stainless moldings, and he has worked wonders on parts that one would have deemed to be trash.