Save Lucy!

Are you serious?? Most of us here work hard for our money and take care of ourselves. I donate money to the hungry and needy, but not to something like this.

This is not the place for this. I hope your post is deleted completely.
i agree. work hard and save your money like all the rest of us. this is the PCS, not a socialist daycare. Nor is the NHAA a socialist daycare.
I have 1,000 bucks worth of damage to the back of mine from my neighbors kid, and the rear brakes need replaced. Oh, and my heater core needs flushed. Can I do all this right now? Nope. I have a wife, two kids and one on the way. Looks like I'll be working overtime. Or you all could fund me.
With all due respect to you Brandon, it might be difficult for you to understand, but all of us have car projects. If you really want to save Lucy, you have to fix her as you are able to afford. We know you love your car, all of us love our cars, no secret there. But, for anyone to ask complete strangers for money to fix their car, just seems wrong.

On the other hand, if you really love your hearse, you should consider hanging out here and in the PCS. We have many friendly people with knowledge and know how to share. You will be surprised what you can get here.

Good luck!
Really Brandon ?????? Do you really think this is going to work ??? I think not....Here's an idea , strip off the Vinyl top and spray a Truck Bed coating on it. It will last longer then the car will $500 and your done and you can save your dignity !
I must admit that I might have fallen for it if it had been a truly great story involving a truly classic coach (1950's or earlier) that I could have helped to save. But I agree with the rhino liner suggestion. Eat top ramen for a week!
hay I got to admire a man for trying what is being done by every other organization out there. whats next on the list a phone campaign? mass mailing. be sure to get the wording right on them. don't send the left messages to the right people and vise verse. this one is about right. you keep your needs down to reasonable and the donation amount down low enough so even the little old ladies getting the minimum SS check can get in and help out. have you tried getting the locale media in on the campaign? a 15 sec bleep on the national news is good for at least a million in low end donations. but if this one works for you and you get good at it maybe we could go in to business.

I have pictures and stories of good Hearses that have gotten into the wrong crowd. the ravages of the fast live and road salt have now taken there tole. they would just need a little help getting there life back on track. for only 50c a day you to can help the cause to give these good cars a section chance. please sent your tax deductible contribution to Eddie's Half way and with your help we can give these noble cars a second chance at life. Eddies is a no kill were cars that are no longer waited, can life there life out with dignity and compassion in a loving caring environment. every effort is made to give them a forever home and no expense is speared in turning there life around so they will never ever again feel the cruelty of having to lug heavy camera equipment to and from one location after another. won't you please help.

but you got to have pictures to make is a success. you can right click a few off the sad pro car thread. just be careful some of the people around here a really touchy when it comes to you using the pictures they took form somewhere else.
so lets keep in touch all I need is a leg man and we can make this work. one with good layout and communication skills that can type and spell. but a good running car with a nice top is a must. good luck
Save Lucy

Proprieties really need to be though through here! Totally the WRONG way to go about the car repairs.

If no one helps with my Buick I will be forced to break all the glass out and enter it in the local demo derby or crush it for scrap.:rolleyes:


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Wow I really screwed up a couple of years ago. I worked full time as a firefighter, and then on my days off worked another 48 hours a week as a paramedic in a busy 911 system to restore the antique ambulance of my dreams. I truly am a moron. If only I had known how easy it could be as I sit here and type this with a sore neck and back from twenty years in Fire and EMS. Sorry to be crass but, beat it!
Maybe he should turn the tables and send his request to a crown prince in Nigeria,I am forever getting letters from them trying to get the royal treasures out of their country,and all I have to do is open an account and sent them my PIN and password.:rofl::rofl::twak:
Just be glad your coach only needs a $2,000 top and not a $20,000+ restoration like my 49 S&S needs. Work and save like the rest of us have to do to get our coaches done. Maybe Obama will help you with the handout.
OK guys. I think he gets the message. I agree with you all, but let it go. We are going to have to re-name this thread the "Grumpy Old Men" thread!